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Not just a pretty website: Coindrom Now Officially Registered as an MSB

Hello, our valued customers! Coinsdrom has some exciting news – we have successfully obtained our Money Services Business Registration and couldn’t be more thrilled!

We are delighted to announce that CLEARCREST INC UAB, operating from its main office at Naugarduko st. 3-401, Vilnius, Lithuania, with the incorporation number 30694970, has obtained an MSB Registration. The MSB registration number is 23928203, and the initial registration date was September 6, 2023, with an expiry date of June 30, 2026. This Registration authorises us to engage in MSB activities, specifically dealing with virtual currencies. It’s a significant step towards enhancing the security and credibility of our platform for cryptocurrency traders.

Enhanced Security for You

First and foremost, this MSB Registration represents our unwavering commitment to your security. We understand that safety is paramount in money, and this Registration signifies that we have met stringent regulatory standards to safeguard your assets and transactions. With this milestone, you can exchange cryptocurrencies with even greater confidence.

We’re Compliant and Proud of It

Our MSB Registration is not just a piece of paper; it symbolises our dedication to following cryptocurrency exchange rules and regulations. Compliance with these regulations protects you and contributes to the overall credibility of the cryptocurrency industry. We’re proud to play our part in legitimising this exciting space.

Rest Assured, We’re Here for You

This Registration clearly indicates our trustworthiness for you, our users. It shows that we value transparency, ethical practices, and your safety above all else. It’s about building trust, the foundation of a successful and secure cryptocurrency exchange experience.

What’s Next?

With our MSB Registration in hand, we’re not stopping here. We’re constantly looking for ways to improve our services and offer you even more benefits. This could mean exciting partnerships, additional payment options, or an expanded range of cryptocurrencies to meet your needs. We’re dedicated to making your experience on our platform the best possible.

In Our Founder Words:

“We’re thrilled to have obtained our MSB Registration, a testament to our dedication to providing a safe and compliant environment for our users. This achievement represents a significant step towards ensuring the security and credibility of our platform, ultimately benefiting our valued community of cryptocurrency traders.”

Join Us on this Exciting Journey

We want to thank all of you who have supported us on this journey. Your trust and loyalty have been instrumental in helping us reach this significant milestone. 
We look forward to sharing more exciting developments with you in the future.

For those new to us, we invite you to explore our platform and experience the enhanced security, compliance, and trust that comes with our MSB Registration.

Thank you for being part of the Coinsdrom community, and we can’t wait to continue this incredible journey with you.

Stay tuned for more updates and enhancements – the best is yet to come!

Coinsdrom – Your Trusted Cryptocurrency Exchange Platform.

Bitcoin kainos prognozė 2024-2025 metams: 4 metų ciklo ir Elioto Bangų Teorijos sujungimas

Kita vertus, Elioto Bangų Teorijos teorijos šalininkai prognozuoja tvirtą parabolinį piką einamaisiais metais arba 2024 metų pradžioje.

Nauja perspektyva atrandama atliekant kruopštų tyrimą, apimantį techninę analizę, duomenų tikrinimą grandinėje, rinkos psichologiją ir dar daugiau. Tikėtina, kad simbiozinis rezultatas atitinka abiejų šių grupių požiūrius.

Iš Naujo Įvertiname 4 Metų Ciklo Prielaidą

Kertinis 4 metų ciklo teorijos akmuo remiasi Bitcoin perpus mažėjančių įvykių poveikiu jo vertinimui. Tikimasi, kad periodiškas Bitcoin pasiūlos mažinimas, vykstantis maždaug kas ketverius metus, sukels baimės ir trūkumo kainų šuolius. Tačiau, norėdami atsverti šį faktą, analitikai pabrėžia mažėjančią kasėjų pasiūlos įtaką Bitcoin kainai, atsižvelgiant į dabartinį rinkos dydį.

Išvados iš Istorinių Paralelių, Signalų ir Indikatorių

Analitikai atkreipė dėmesį į 2011-2013 metų ciklą, etapą, kuris nukrypo nuo įprastų modelių, pasižymėdamas tiek ankstyvais, tiek vėlesniais šiuoliais. Ar tai galėtų būti precedentas dabar vykstančiam ciklui? Abi frakcijos nepastebi tam tikro ciklo, kuris nepaisė nusistovėjusių normų nuo 2011 iki 2013.

Analizės pagrindas yra du pagrindiniai signalai: DXY Koreliacijos Koeficientas ir Gyvybingumo Signalas. Šie indikatoriai istoriškai pranašavo kainų parabolių atsiradimą. Parabolės signalo aktyvavimas nuosekliai pažymėjo kiekvieno kainos parabolinio judėjimo pradžią. Pažymėtina, kad sumažėjusi Bitcoin koreliacija su JAV doleriu istoriškai sutapo su ypač dideliais kainų svyravimais.

Lapkričio 28 dienos Ciklų Teorija, pagrįsta pradine Bitcoin perpus mažinimo data, nuosekliai nuspėjo kainų tendencijas per pastarąjį dešimtmetį. Tai suskirsto Bitcoin kainų trajektoriją į žalius, mėlynus, raudonus ir oranžinius metus (kaip pavaizduota žemiau pateiktoje diagramoje), kiekvienam iš jų būdinga skirtinga kainų dinamika. Atsižvelgiant į istorinį tikslumą, nėra jokios priežasties abejoti teorijos pritaikymu šiam ciklui. Tai rodo, kad tikrasis ciklo pikas greičiausiai įvyks 2025 metų pabaigoje.

Šis Tendencijų Modelio Kainų Modelis, kuriame naudojami kampinio laipsnio modeliai nuo ciklo didžiausių ir žemiausių kreivių, iki prognozuojamų būsimų verčių, numato 130 000$ kainą iki lapkričio 28 d. Ciklų Teorijos kulminacijos. Tačiau ekspertai įspėja, kad per daug nepasikliautumėte fundamentaliais dalykais, nors daugelis teigia, kad nėra jokios kainų ribos, pagrįstos fundamentaliais dalykais, šis argumentas yra visiškai nepagrįstas.

BTC Prognozių Konvergencija

Apibendrindami šį platų duomenų rinkinį, ekspertai numato scenarijų, pagal kurį 4 Metų Ciklas ir Elioto Impulsų Bangos Teorijos galėtų harmoningai egzistuoti. Jie numato ankstyvą piką apie 2024 metų balandį, galintį pasiekti 90 000$.
Pagal prognozę, iki 2025 metų pabaigos aukščiausias taškas gali pasiekti 130 000$.

Nors pateikta analizė yra išsami ir nuodugni, ji nėra šimtaprocentinė. Kai Bitcoin bendruomenė tęsia savo karštus apmąstymus, vyrauja vienas užtikrintumas: tik laikas atskleis tikrąją Bitcoin vertės trajektoriją.

Atminkite, kad Coinsdrom platformoje galite keisti kriptovaliutas greičiausiu ir saugiausiu būdu. Keitykla visada siūlo patį naujausią valiutų kursą.
Šio įrašo paskelbimo metu, BTC kaina yra 29 466$.

Top 5 Crypto Analysts Follow in 2023

Stepping into the cryptocurrency world can feel like entering a maze, but fear not – we’re here to be your guide. In this article, we’re highlighting the top 5 crypto analysts to watch in 2023. These experts have the experience, insights, and a proven record of accurate predictions that can help you navigate the complex crypto landscape.

Understanding Crypto Analysis and Its Importance

Think of crypto analysis as the art of unravelling secret codes. It involves delving into these codes to understand how they work and ensuring they’re rock-solid and secure. In our digital age, these codes safeguard online transactions and private messages. But, many people can become less secure when using the same codes. This is where crypto analysis steps in – it identifies weak points and reinforces them to keep your digital world safe.

The Significance of Crypto Analysis

The crypto analysis isn’t just about codes; it’s about confirming the authenticity of digital assets and ensuring that transactions follow the rules. Imagine digital money as the currency you use but in a digital form. We want to be sure it’s not counterfeit. Crypto experts can verify its legitimacy and ensure everyone plays by the rules when using digital money.

Securing Digital Assets and Promoting Fairness

Crypto experts are like guardians of the digital realm. They uncover and resolve issues in secret codes, making them stronger. They also verify the legitimacy of digital money, thwarting deceptive practices. Additionally, they make sure that transactions adhere to regulations and ethical standards.

Getting to Know the Top 5 Crypto Analysts

Let’s get acquainted with the experts who help us decode the world of crypto:

Jameson Lopp

Jameson Lopp (@lopp) is your digital detective. With a background in BitGo and Bitcoin development since 2012, he’s your go-to for technical insights into Bitcoin and the broader crypto market.

Nic Carter

Nic Carter (@nic__carter) is like a digital money explorer. As a partner at Castle Island Ventures and a co-founder of Coin Metrics, he dives deep into crypto market trends, especially in the realm of Bitcoin.

Alex Gladstein

Alex Gladstein (@Gladstein) champions digital money for a more significant cause. As Chief Strategy Officer at the Human Rights Foundation, he’s a vocal advocate for using crypto to empower individuals and communities globally.

Natalie Brunell

Natalie Brunell (@natbrunell) is your digital money correspondent. She’s the one to keep you updated on market shifts and the potential impact of regulations and policies on the crypto industry.

Andreas M. Antonopoulos

Andreas M. Antonopoulos (@aantonop) is your friendly crypto educator. Renowned for simplifying complex technical concepts, he’s your key to unlocking the intricacies of Bitcoin and its underlying technology.

Though the crypto world may seem perplexing, these top 5 experts are here to illuminate the path for you. With their insights and knowledge, you’ll be well on your way to understanding the nuances of the crypto sphere and will make smart crypto decisions considering purchasing and selling coins. Listen to their advice – you’ll soon navigate crypto like a pro!

Understanding Crypto Pricing in 2023

In the ever-evolving world of cryptocurrencies, understanding the factors that influence pricing is crucial for anyone looking to navigate this dynamic market successfully. Whether you are a seasoned crypto holder, a user, or a newcomer exploring the world of digital assets, comprehending what affects cryptocurrency prices is essential for making informed purchasing or selling decisions. 

This article delves into the key factors that have shaped cryptocurrency pricing in 2023, shedding light on the intricate dynamics that underlie these digital assets’ value.

The developments in the crypto market throughout 2023 proved that price dynamics are shaped by a confluence of factors rather than a single event. That is why you should know which factors to watch.

Market Sentiment and Speculation

At the beginning of 2023, the market faced a brutal bearish sentiment resulting in a significant drop in value for many cryptocurrencies, particularly the leading ones. 

Throughout 2023, the cryptocurrency market experienced price fluctuations due to market sentiment shifts. Positive news, such as regulatory endorsements, institutional adoption, or technological advancements, triggered an influx of bullish sentiment, driving prices higher. 

Conversely, negative news, security breaches, or regulatory crackdowns led to bearish sentiment and subsequent price declines. Traders and investors should closely monitor market sentiment to gauge the overall direction of cryptocurrency prices.

During the first half of 2023, popular cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin and Ether showed a pattern of higher lows and higher highs. This suggests that market participants were increasingly willing to buy coins at higher price levels, creating a bullish environment.

Adoption and Real-World Use Cases

The adoption of cryptocurrencies in real-world applications played a pivotal role in price determination in 2023. As more businesses and institutions embraced digital assets for transactions or investment purposes, the demand for specific cryptocurrencies increased, subsequently driving their prices up. Coins and tokens with strong use cases and utility experienced more significant price appreciation, while those lacking real-world applications struggled to maintain value.

The recent push by traditional financial companies for bitcoin spot ETFs could positively impact bitcoin prices. Companies like Blackrock, Fidelity Investments, Invesco, and Wisdomtree have reaffirmed their commitment to spot bitcoin exchange-traded funds.

Technological Developments and Upgrades

Technological advancements within blockchain networks and cryptocurrencies significantly impacted their pricing in 2023. Updates such as network upgrades, scalability improvements, enhanced security features, and protocol enhancements instilled buyer confidence and attracted new participants to the market. 

Consequently, cryptocurrencies with active development communities and clear roadmaps for improvement experienced positive price movements.

Market Liquidity and Volume

In 2023, market liquidity and trading volume directly impacted cryptocurrency pricing. These factors generally led to more stable and accurate price discovery. Also, smaller cryptocurrencies’ low liquidity made them susceptible to price manipulation and extreme fluctuations. As the overall liquidity of the cryptocurrency market increased, it helped mitigate market manipulation and fostered healthier price movements.

Regulatory Environment

The regulatory landscape significantly influenced cryptocurrency prices in 2023. Regulatory clarity and supportive frameworks fostered trust and attracted institutional investors, leading to a price surge. Conversely, ambiguous or restrictive regulations dampened market sentiment, causing prices to stagnate or decline. 

As governments worldwide continue to refine their approach to cryptocurrencies, regulatory developments will exert a powerful influence on the market.

The following chart from the PwC Global Crypto Regulтation Report 2023 shows that many leading global financial players have adopted regulations of crypto flows.

Macroeconomic Factors

In 2022, the global economy faced challenges due to monetary policy tightening and reduced fiscal spending, leading to pessimistic expectations for 2023. 

However, as the year progressed, those expectations did not materialise. At Voltcoins, we closely monitor the relationship between global economic decisions and the crypto market.

Cryptocurrencies in 2023 were not immune to global macroeconomic trends. Economic factors like inflation, interest rates, geopolitical tensions, and economic growth indirectly impacted cryptocurrency prices. In times of economic uncertainty, some investors turned to cryptocurrencies as a hedge against traditional market fluctuations, leading to increased demand and higher prices.

The cryptocurrency market is a complex ecosystem influenced by a multitude of factors. Throughout 2023, market sentiment, real-world adoption, technological developments, liquidity, regulation, and macroeconomic trends all contributed to the pricing dynamics of cryptocurrencies. As the market evolves, so do the factors influencing prices. Staying informed and conducting thorough research is essential for investors seeking to navigate this exciting and ever-changing landscape successfully. Remember, the cryptocurrency market remains highly speculative, and prudent risk management practices should always be exercised when investing in digital assets.


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